Todo Kata - Python Part 3

Posted on October 30, 2020 in Tutorial

Welcome to Part 3 of the Python Todo kata. In this final part, we will revisit the done application and modify it to work with a SQLite database instead of a text file.

We will see that Python makes this very easy with its built-in integration with SQLite in the standard library. In creating this post, I found the following resources very useful:

  • This Digital Ocean tutorial (as an aside, I have been pleasantly surprised by the high quality of several Digital Ocean community tutorials given it is actually a cloud platform)
  • The Python docs covering SQLite transactions
  • This StackOverflow answer showing how to retrieve a Python datetime object from SQLite rather than a string (SQLite has no datetime datatype as other databases do)

Series Outline

  1. Intro
  2. F# Series
    1. Part 1 - Done
    2. Part 2 - Todo
    3. Part 3 - SQLite
  3. Python Series
    1. Part 1 - Done
    2. Part 2 - Todo
    3. Part 3 - SQLite (you are here)

Full source code is available here.

The SQLite implementation will live in the file. We will start with the imports we'll need and by defining the path to the database file.

import os
import done_domain as done
import sqlite3
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List
from contextlib import contextmanager, closing

PATH = 'done.db'

The first function we will define, _cursor, will be a context manager for our connection to the database:

def _cursor(db_path: str):
    with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_path, isolation_level=None, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)) as connection:
        with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
            yield cursor

This looks pretty ugly, but the good news is that we will never have to worry about these details again as we use _cursor to interact with the database in our other functions. Technically we could avoid creating the cursor object because SQLite will implicitly create it for us via shortcut methods. However, we may as well be explicit since we are encapsulating all the implementation details here anyway.

To explain some of those details:

  • closing creates a context manager which calls close() for the underlying object as cleanup
  • isolation_level=None configures the connection to autocommit mode (a discussion of database transactions is out of scope, but you can read more here)
  • The detect_types argument is half of the answer to being able to automatically retrieve datetime objects (the other half is using a TIMESTAMP datatype which we will see below)

We will define one more helper function to initialize the database before we get to the persistence logic:

def _initialize_db(db_path: str):
    with _cursor(db_path) as cursor:
            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CompletedItems (
                Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                CompletedOn TIMESTAMP,
                Item VARCHAR(255)

Here we use the _cursor context manager we just defined to create the CompletedItems table to hold our completed items (notice SQLite has a nice syntax for creating a table if it does not exist). The TIMESTAMP datatype declaration for the CompletedOn column is not part of the SQLite API but allows Python to translate it into datetime objects when the connection uses the detect_types specification we saw earlier.

Next we will define the save and get functions which we will swap in for the done_file functions. Here is save:

def save(db_path: str, completed_items: List[done.CompletedItem]):
    if not os.path.exists(PATH): _initialize_db(PATH)
    with _cursor(db_path) as cursor:
        for completed_item in completed_items:
                "INSERT INTO CompletedItems (CompletedOn, Item) VALUES (?, ?)",
                (completed_item.completed_on, completed_item.item)

First we check if the database file exists and initialize if not. Then we insert our completed item using parameter substitution (the ?) - this is a best practice for parametrized SQL to avoid SQL injection.

We finish off the file with the definition for get:

def get(db_path: str, completed_since: datetime) -> List[done.CompletedItem]:
    if not os.path.exists(PATH): _initialize_db(PATH)
    with _cursor(db_path) as cursor:
        rows = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT Item, CompletedOn from CompletedItems WHERE CompletedOn > ?",
        return [done.CompletedItem(*row) for row in rows.fetchall()]

We again ensure the database exists and use parameter substitution in our query. The *row expansion allows us to construct CompletedItems from the Item and CompletedOn values returned in the row. (As an aside, the sqlite3.Row class enables accessing columns by name instead of by index though we do not need that here.)

Now all that is left to do is to update done to use our newly defined save and get rather than the ones from done_file.

In, we add an import for done_db and switch out the save and get functions:

import done_db

# save = partial(, done_file.PATH)
# get = partial(done_file.get, done_file.PATH)

save = partial(, done_db.PATH)
get = partial(done_db.get, done_db.PATH)

That's it! No other updates are required for done and todo to use our SQLite persistence logic for completed items. The ease with which we made this change provides some validation of our loosely coupled application design.


We can now run either the python or python commands to log a completed item, and they will be saved to the done.db database. To see this better in VS Code, the alexcvzz.vscode-sqlite extension allows us to query the database directly. Here are the results for me:

Id CompletedOn Item
1 2020-10-10 10:33:03.696278 done db
2 2020-10-10 10:52:26.556313 add a todo
3 2020-10-29 18:48:52.621930 complete sqlite

And of course, we can query for these items via python as well:

$ python d 0
[2020-10-29T18:48:52.621930] complete sqlite
$ python w 3
[2020-10-10T10:33:03.696278] done db
[2020-10-10T10:52:26.556313] add a todo
[2020-10-29T18:48:52.621930] complete sqlite

Wrapping Up

That concludes the Python series of the Todo kata! In this series, we saw the ease with which we can work with both text files and SQLite databases in Python using just the standard library. Additionally, we were able to get some experience with static typing via mypy, creating command-line interfaces with click, and even some reactive programming with RxPY. Of course, there is much more we could have covered about any of these topics, but I think this gives a good starting point for diving deeper and creating more complex applications.