Todo Kata - FSharp Part 2

Posted on October 06, 2020 in Tutorial

In Part 2 of the F# kata, we will implement the todo application. This will allow us to keep track of a todo list, and it will utilize the done functionality we created in the previous post to record the items we complete.

Series Outline

  1. Intro
  2. F# Series
    1. Part 1 - Done
    2. Part 2 - Todo (you are here)
    3. Part 3 - SQLite
  3. Python Series
    1. Part 1 - Done
    2. Part 2 - Todo
    3. Part 3 - SQLite

Full source code is available here.


As before, we create a console application and add it to the solution:

$ dotnet new console -n Todo -lang F#
$ dotnet sln add Todo/Todo.fsproj


As before, we start by defining the types of our domain. We use a single case discriminated union for the Todo type and mark it private for use only within the Todo module.

module Domain

module Todo =
    type Todo = private Todo of index: int * item: string

Todos will be numbered with their index (this will allow us to reference the index when completing them), but we want the module only to expose the TodoList to prevent a caller from creating a nonsensical list.

    type TodoList =
    | Todos of Todo array
    | Nothing

Example display of todos:

  1. Get something done
  2. Do another thing

By making Todo private we avoid the possibility of callers creating a todo list like this:

let badTodoList = [|Todo.Todo (42, "these indices"); Todo.Todo (-7, "make"); Todo.Todo (0, "no sense")|]

We will also define events which the program should handle. We want to be able to add a todo item, complete an item (mark it done), purge an item (remove without marking done), and keep track of any remaining items. Though it may not be clear right now, doing this will give us a great amount of control over the behavior of the application.

    type TodoEvent =
    | TodoAddedEvent of string
    | TodosRemainingEvent of TodoList
    | TodosCompletedEvent of TodoList
    | TodosPurgedEvent of TodoList

With the domain types defined, we next give callers a way to actually create a Todo list and convenience functions to access the index and value of a Todo item.

    let create (todos: string[]) =
        match todos with
        | [||] -> Nothing
        | todos ->
            |> Array.indexed
            |> Todo
            |> Todos

    let value (Todo(_,item)) = item
    let index (Todo(i,_)) = i

The point of a todo list is to complete items off of it, so we define those functions next. We will use these functions when handling the TodoEvents defined above.

    let private partitionTodos idx todos =
        match todos with
        | Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
        | Todos todos ->
            |> Array.partition (fun t -> index t = idx)
            |> fun (completed, remaining) -> (Todos completed, Todos remaining)

    let complete index todos =
        partitionTodos index todos
        |> fun (completed, remaining) -> [TodosCompletedEvent completed; TodosRemainingEvent remaining]

    let purge index todos =
        partitionTodos index todos
        |> fun (purged, remaining) -> [TodosPurgedEvent purged; TodosRemainingEvent remaining]

We encapsulate the partitioning logic for a completed or purged item in partitionTodos. The only difference between the two functions complete and purge is whether a TodosCompletedEvent or a TodosPurgedEvent is returned.

Adding a reference to the Done project allows us to transform a Todo into a CompletedItem. We will use this to save a todo we have completed as a CompletedItem.

open Done.Domain

// ...

    let toCompletedItems todos =
        match todos with
        | Todos todos ->
            |> (value >> Done.createDefault)
            |> Some
        | Nothing -> None

The composition operator >> allows us to get the value of the todo item with the value function and pass the result to Done.createDefault in one statement.

Finally, we define function types that we expect the consumers of Todo to implement.

type PrintTodo = Todo.TodoList -> unit
type GetTodos = unit -> Todo.TodoList
type AddTodo = string -> Result<unit,string>
type SaveTodos = Todo.TodoList -> Result<unit,string>


The persistence logic is similar to what we already saw with Done.

module Persistence.File
open Domain
open System.IO

let writeAllLines path (s: string []) =
    File.WriteAllLines(path, s)

let addTodo path : AddTodo =
    fun todo ->
        if not (File.Exists path) then
            printfn "Created %s" (Path.GetFullPath path)
        File.ReadAllLines path
        |> Array.append [|todo|]
        |> writeAllLines path
        Ok ()

let saveTodos path : SaveTodos =
    fun todos ->
        let write = writeAllLines path
        match todos with
        | Todo.Nothing -> write [||]
        | Todo.Todos todos ->
            |> Todo.value
            |> write
        Ok ()

let getTodos path : GetTodos =
    fun () ->
        if (File.Exists path) then File.ReadAllLines path else [||]
        |> Todo.create

Notice as before the guards around the file existing (File.Exists path) and returning the function types we defined in the domain. Notice also that we add todos to the top of the file rather than appending to the bottom. From experience, we tend to work on and complete the most recently added item, so being able to consistently reference it with index 0 is a nice convenience.


The configuration logic for Todo will be much more involved than for Done, but each piece will be small. Let's dive in.

First we set a path to the file in which to track todo items and use that to create the get/save/add functions.

module Config
open System
open Domain
open Persistence.File

let Path = "todo.txt"

let get = getTodos Path
let add = addTodo Path
let save = saveTodos Path

Next we create some helper functions for printing results. Notice the use of our Todo helper functions index and value.

let printIfError = function
    | Error e -> printfn "%s" e
    | Ok _ -> ()

let printTodo : PrintTodo = function
    | Todo.Nothing -> printfn "No todos in %s" (IO.Path.GetFullPath Path)
    | Todo.Todos todos ->
        |> Array.iter (fun t -> printfn "%i. %s" (Todo.index t) (Todo.value t))

Now the exciting part. We can use Events to configure the response behavior to the TodoEvent types we created earlier.

let addedTodoEvent = new Event<string>()
addedTodoEvent.Publish |> Event.add (add >> printIfError)

let remainingTodosEvent = new Event<Todo.TodoList>()
remainingTodosEvent.Publish |> Event.add (save >> printIfError)

let completedTodosEvent = new Event<Todo.TodoList>()
completedTodosEvent.Publish |> Event.add (printTodo)
|> Event.add (
    Todo.toCompletedItems >>
        Option.iter (Array.iter ( >> printIfError))

let purgedTodosEvent = new Event<Todo.TodoList>()
purgedTodosEvent.Publish |> Event.add (printTodo)

Event.add configures the Event to run the given function (e.g. printTodo or the composition save >> printIfError) each time the given event (e.g. completedTodosEvent) is triggered. Each event is also strongly typed with the kind of data it expects to receive when it is triggered (e.g. string or Todo.TodoList).

Once the syntax is clear, notice the difference between the completedTodosEvent and purgedTodosEvent: for a purgedTodosEvent we only register the printTodo function to display the item but not to save it with Also notice how we do not need to know how the function is doing its work. When we switch Done to save to a SQLite database instead of a text file, this logic will not have to change at all! This is much better than if we had to call the Done.Persistence.File.saveCompletedItem function directly.

Finally, we wire up a handler for the TodoEvents by triggering the Events we just defined with the todo payload (either a string or Todo.TodoList).

let handle = function
    | Todo.TodoAddedEvent todo -> addedTodoEvent.Trigger todo
    | Todo.TodosRemainingEvent todos -> remainingTodosEvent.Trigger todos
    | Todo.TodosCompletedEvent todos -> completedTodosEvent.Trigger todos
    | Todo.TodosPurgedEvent todos -> purgedTodosEvent.Trigger todos

Using a discriminated union for the TodoEvents also means that if we add events in the future, the compiler will warn us that the handle function is not handling every case. Try adding one now to see the effect.


Now we are ready to put it all these pieces together in the final program. Similar to Done, we will start with a helper function to encapsulate the index parsing logic when completing or purging todo items.

let tryParseIndex (data: string) =
    match Int32.TryParse(data) with
    | (true, i) -> Some i
    | (false, _) -> None

To parse the command line arguments, we will use a technique we have not used before called Active Patterns. The logic is similar to how we parsed arguments for Done, but we have a few more possibilities to handle.

let helpMessage = "Valid commands are 'a <item>' and 'r <index>' or 'p <index>' for Add, Remove, or Purge (remove without saving)"

let (|Show|Add|Remove|Purge|Invalid|) (argv: string []) =
    match argv with
    | [||] -> Show
    | [|cmd;data|] ->
        match cmd.ToLowerInvariant() with
        | "a" -> Add data
        | "r" ->
            match tryParseIndex data with
            | Some i -> Remove i
            | None -> Invalid "Specify number index of item to Remove"
        | "p" ->
            match tryParseIndex data with
            | Some i -> Purge i
            | None -> Invalid "Specify number index of item to Purge"
        | _ -> Invalid helpMessage
    | _-> Invalid helpMessage

Parsing each possibility into a Choice type allows us to easily dispatch to the appropriate functions.

let showTodos () = get() |> printTodo

let dispatch = function
    | Show ->
    | Add data ->
        Todo.TodoAddedEvent data |> handle
    | Remove i ->
        |> Todo.complete i
        |> List.iter handle
    | Purge i ->
        |> Todo.purge i
        |> List.iter handle
    | Invalid msg -> printfn "%s" msg

Notice that we further delegate event handling to the handle function.

Wrapping Up

That completes Todo! You can test it out with commands like the below:

dotnet run a "my first todo"
0. my first todo
dotnet run a "my second todo"
0. my second todo
1. my first todo
dotnet run r 0
0. my second todo
dotnet run
0. my first todo

Be sure to check the todo.done.txt file to see the completed "my second todo" item appear!

In the next and final part of the F# series, we will circle back and see what it takes to save completed items to a SQLite database instead of a text file.