Todo Kata - Python Part 2

Posted on October 28, 2020 in Tutorial

In Part 2 of the Python kata, we will implement the todo application. This will allow us to keep track of a todo list, and it will utilize the done functionality we created in the previous post to record the items we complete.

Series Outline

  1. Intro
  2. F# Series
    1. Part 1 - Done
    2. Part 2 - Todo
    3. Part 3 - SQLite
  3. Python Series
    1. Part 1 - Done
    2. Part 2 - Todo (you are here)
    3. Part 3 - SQLite

Full source code is available here.

We will start by defining the domain logic of todo in Creation of todo items should be controlled such that we always have a well ordered list of items. Python is not known for its strict encapsulation, but we can make use of nested classes and the leading _ convention to signal our intent to mark something as "private".

from typing import List, Tuple, NamedTuple, Any

class Todos():
    class _Todo(NamedTuple):
        idx : int
        item : str

        def __str__(self) -> str:
            return f'{self.idx}. {self.item}'

    def create(todos: List[str]) -> List[_Todo]:
        return [Todos._Todo(index, item) for index, item in enumerate(todos)]

The static create method will be the entry point for creating a todo list from a list of strings. The _Todo class itself represents a single todo item - its index in the list and the item itself - so we also give it a __str__ representation which will show when we print to the screen.

Next we will import Subjects from RxPY and define the events to which the todo application will respond.

from rx.subject import Subject
# ...

class TodosEvent(NamedTuple):
    args: Any

class TodosAddedEvent(TodosEvent):
    args: str

class TodosAddedEventHandler(Subject): pass

class TodosRemainingEvent(TodosEvent):
    args: List[Todos._Todo]

class TodosRemainingEventHandler(Subject): pass

class TodosCompletedEvent(TodosEvent):
    args: List[Todos._Todo]

class TodosCompletedEventHandler(Subject): pass

class TodosPurgedEvent(TodosEvent):
    args: List[Todos._Todo]

class TodosPurgedEventHandler(Subject): pass

We have to type the base TodosEvent with args: Any since the type of args varies between the inherited events (str for TodosAddedEvent and List[Todos._Todo] for the others). These events hold the data to which our application will respond (via the Handlers), and the EventHandlers themselves just wrap the underlying Subject class. This is for added readability when we wire up the Handlers with response logic later.

To finish off this file, we will define functions corresponding the actions of our domain: adding, completing, and purging todo items.

def add_todo(existing: List[str], todo: str) -> List[str]:
    new_todos = [todo]
    return new_todos

def _partition_todos(todos: List[Todos._Todo], index: int) -> Tuple[List[Todos._Todo], List[Todos._Todo]]:
    partitioned: List[Todos._Todo] = []
    remaining: List[Todos._Todo] = []
    for todo in todos: (partitioned if todo.idx == index else remaining).append(todo)
    return partitioned, remaining

def complete_todos(todos: List[Todos._Todo], index: int) -> List[TodosEvent]:
    completed, remaining = _partition_todos(todos, index)
    return [TodosCompletedEvent(completed), TodosRemainingEvent(remaining)]

def purge_todos(todos: List[Todos._Todo], index: int) -> List[TodosEvent]:
    purged, remaining = _partition_todos(todos, index)
    return [TodosPurgedEvent(purged), TodosRemainingEvent(remaining)]

The add_todo function is pretty straightforward: just add the new todo item to the top of the list.

The common logic of partitioning the todo list is in the (implicitly private) function _partition_todos. The partition occurs by dynamically appending each todo item to one list or the other depending on if the item's index matches the one by which we are partitioning. It might take a second to see how that works, but there is no magic. (Note we have to define partitioned and remaining on separate lines (rather than simply partitioned, remaining = [], []) to make mypy happy.)

Using _partition_todos, we can differentiate between purge_todos and complete_todos by returning different event types for the partitioned items (TodosPurgedEvent vs TodosCompletedEvent).

With the domain defined, we can move on to the file persistence implementation.

In, we define the path to the todo.txt file and functions to add, save, and get todo items from it.

import file
import todo_domain as td
from typing import List

PATH = 'todo.txt'

def add(path: str, todo: str):
    existing = file.read_all_lines(path)
    updated = td.add_todo(existing, todo)
    file.write_all_lines(path, updated)

def save(path: str, todos: List[td.Todos._Todo]):
    file.write_all_lines(path, [todo.item for todo in todos])

def get(path: str) -> List[td.Todos._Todo]:
    return td.Todos.create(file.read_all_lines(path))

The actual work of interacting with the file is delegated to functions defined in Part 1. The creation of the todo list from the individual lines in the file is executed by the static Todos.create method we defined in the domain as promised.

Finally, we will create to hold the configuration and command-line interface of the application.

We start with the imports we will need and the configuration of the get, add, and save functions the todo application will use.

import done
import shared
import todo_file
import click
import todo_domain as td
from functools import partial, singledispatch

def get(): return todo_file.get(todo_file.PATH)

add = partial(todo_file.add, todo_file.PATH)
save = partial(, todo_file.PATH)

The configured functions simply have the path to todo.txt "baked in" via partial application.

With those functions defined, we can set the behavior of the application via the EventHandlers.

added = td.TodosAddedEventHandler()

remaining = td.TodosRemainingEventHandler()

completed = td.TodosCompletedEventHandler()
completed.subscribe(lambda todos: done.save_from_string([todo.item for todo in todos]))
completed.subscribe(lambda todos: shared.display(todos))

purged = td.TodosPurgedEventHandler()
purged.subscribe(lambda todos: shared.display(todos))

Each EventHandler will respond to the args of its corresponding TodoEvent by passing args to the subscribed function. For completed items, we delegate to the previously defined done.save_from_string function. Notice the implementation details of save_from_string are hidden from us. This means we can change the done implementation in the next section to interact with a SQLite database rather than a text file without needing to make any modifications here.

With the EventHandlers wired up, we can define a handler to dispatch to them based on the particular TodoEvent using the singledispatch decorator from functools.

def handle(event):
    print(f'Unregistered event type: [{type(event)}]')

# Python 3.7+ can use the type annotation of the first argument
def _handle_added(event: td.TodosAddedEvent):

def _handle_remaining(event: td.TodosRemainingEvent):

def _handle_completed(event: td.TodosCompletedEvent):

def _handle_purged(event: td.TodosPurgedEvent):

The names of the registered functions do not matter (calling handle will dispatch to them based on argument type), so it is normally customary to name them all _. However, mypy complains about this, so we give them different "private" names with leading _ instead.

The handle function itself defines the default behavior when there is no corresponding registered function - in this case we just print that the type is unregistered for debugging purposes. Otherwise, each registered function simply dispatches each TodoEvent to the corresponding EventHandler we defined above (the on_next function passes its argument on to the subscribed functions).

Also note that starting in Python 3.7, we can leave the type out of the register decorator (i.e. @handle.register) to infer the type from the annotation of the first argument to the decorated function. (I am running Python 3.6.9 locally as noted at the series start and spent some time frustrated before I realized this.)

Last but not least, we can define the cli behavior of the application with click.
def cli(): pass

def show():

@click.argument('todo_item', type=str)
def add_cli(todo_item: str):

@click.argument('index_to_remove', type=int)
def get_by_days(index_to_remove):
    events = td.complete_todos(get(), index_to_remove)
    for event in events: handle(event)

@click.argument('index_to_purge', type=int)
def get_by_weeks(index_to_purge):
    events = td.purge_todos(get(), index_to_purge)
    for event in events: handle(event)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This should look familiar from the previous part covering done. The difference here is that we are producing events which we pass to the handle dispatcher function we just defined. This gives us a great amount of flexibility in defining the behavior of the application without having to change its interface.

Wrapping Up

As before, we can test out the application at the command line and see the integration with done:

(venv) $ python a "first todo item"
(venv) $ python a "second todo item"
(venv) $ python s
0. second todo item
1. first todo item
(venv) $ python r 1
1. first todo item
(venv) $ python d 0
[2020-10-28T07:39:27.567047] first todo item

In the next and final part of the Python series, we will change the done implementation to work with SQLite rather than a text file. See you then!