Todo Kata - FSharp Part 1

Posted on October 05, 2020 in Tutorial

Welcome to Part 1 of the F# kata to implement to todo list manager discussed in the introduction. In this post, we will implement the done command. We start with done rather than todo because todo will actually depend on functionality in done to save completed items whereas done has no dependencies.

Series Outline

  1. Intro
  2. F# Series
    1. Part 1 - Done (you are here)
    2. Part 2 - Todo
    3. Part 3 - SQLite
  3. Python Series
    1. Part 1 - Done
    2. Part 2 - Todo
    3. Part 3 - SQLite

Full source code is available here.


We start by setting up our .NET Core (I'm using 3.1) console app, adding it to a solution, and opening VS Code:

$ mkdir FsTodo
$ cd FsTodo
$ dotnet new console -n Done -lang F#
$ dotnet new sln
$ dotnet sln add Done/Done.fsproj
$ code .

Next we will create the Domain of our application which will hold all of the logic for creating and working with completed items - the main subjects of the done command. Add the Domain.fs file above Program.fs.


The done command should allow us to record completed items and query for them later by how long ago they were completed. First, we create a module defining the type and some functions for creating and printing. Putting the CompletedItem type and the functions for working with it in a module with module Done = allows us to more easily group and discover related operations. Basically, it allows for "dot-driven development" as we get intellisense with Done. for Done.create, Done.CompletedItem, etc.

module Done.Domain
open System

module Done =

    type CompletedItem = {CompletedOn: DateTime; Item: string}

    let create (completedOn: DateTime) (item: string) =
        {CompletedOn = completedOn; Item = item}

    let createDefault item = item |> create DateTime.Now

    let toString item =
        sprintf "[%s] %s" (item.CompletedOn.ToString("s")) item.Item

The toString function is how we will serialize a completed item to a text file, so it will have a representation like "[2020-10-02T17:53:47] hello world".

We will also need a way to turn that text representation back into a CompletedItem (deserialize it) to work with it again within our domain logic. Add a reference to open System.Text.RegularExpressions to access Regex so that we can parse the date from the completed item.

The tryParse function will return a CompletedItem option because the file could potentially be "corrupted" - someone could tamper with the file and put in something like "[this is not a date] ugh" or even just leave out the "[]" like "there is no date here". Some item gives us a type-safe way of saying we got something rather than None.

open System.Text.RegularExpressions

// ...

    let tryParse (s: string) =
        let result =
                |> fun s -> Regex.Match(s, "^\[(?<completedOn>.*)\] (?<item>.*)")
                |> fun m -> if m.Success then Some m.Groups else None
                |> (
                    fun g -> (
                                (g |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Name = "completedOn") |> Seq.exactlyOne).Value,
                                (g |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Name = "item") |> Seq.exactlyOne).Value
                |> (fun (date, item) -> (DateTime.TryParse(date), item))
                |> (fun ((success, date), item) -> if success then Some (create date item) else None)
            | :? ArgumentException -> None
        match result with
        | Some(Some(completedItem)) -> Some completedItem
        | _ -> None

There is a lot going on there just to deal with potentially bad entries in the file. If we were confident the file will always be clean, we could use something like the below. However, we would still want to return a CompletedItem option as the cleanest way to handle DateTime.TryParse.

    let tryParse (s: string) =
        let result =
            |> fun s -> Regex.Match(s, "^\[(?<completedOn>.*)\] (?<item>.*)")
            |> fun m -> (
                            (m.Groups |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Name = "completedOn") |> Seq.exactlyOne).Value,
                            (m.Groups |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Name = "item") |> Seq.exactlyOne).Value
            |> fun (date, item) -> (DateTime.TryParse(date), item)
            |> fun ((success, date), item) -> if success then Some (create date item) else None

The whole point of storing our completed items is to be able to query for ones completed some time ago, so we can tackle that next. First we will define some helper functions at the top of the file to make working with dates easier:

let private startOfDay (date: DateTime) = date.Date
let private daysAgo (date: DateTime) days = date.AddDays(-days) |> startOfDay
let private startOfWeek (date: DateTime) = date.AddDays(-(float)date.DayOfWeek) |> startOfDay
let private weeksAgo (date: DateTime) weeks = date.AddDays(-7.0 * weeks) |> startOfWeek |> startOfDay

Notice they are marked as private because we will only use them within this module and do not want to clutter the public API.

We can represent the period back we would like to query (days or weeks) nicely as a discriminated union:

type Period =
| Days of float
| Weeks of float

This combined with our helper functions earlier makes the completedSince function pretty straightforward:

    let completedSince period (item: CompletedItem) =
        let since =
            match period with
            | Days x -> daysAgo DateTime.Now x
            | Weeks x -> weeksAgo DateTime.Now x
        since < item.CompletedOn

Finally, at the bottom of the file we will define some types that we expect our persistence logic to implement. This tells us we expect to be able to:

  1. Save a completed item and get a Result back either of success or an error message
  2. Retrieve all completed items (which we can then filter by date with completedSince)
type SaveCompletedItem = Done.CompletedItem -> Result<unit,string>
type GetCompletedItems = unit -> Done.CompletedItem seq

As already mentioned, we will first provide implementations of these types to read/write from a file. Later, we will see how we can switch to using a SQLite database with minimal changes outside of implementing the SQLite logic.


Beneath Domain.fs, we create Persistence.File.fs. There is not much to implementing file persistence - the entire implementation is below.

module Done.Persistence.File
open Done.Domain
open System.IO

let FilePath = "todo.done.txt"

let saveCompletedItem path : SaveCompletedItem =
    fun item ->
        use writer = File.AppendText path
        item |> Done.toString |> writer.WriteLine
        Ok ()

let getCompletedItems path : GetCompletedItems =
    fun _ ->
        if (File.Exists path) then File.ReadAllLines path else [||]
        |> Done.tryParse
        |> Array.filter Option.isSome
        |> (fun i -> i.Value)
        |> Array.toSeq

There are a couple things to call out. First, notice these functions take a path and return SaveCompletedItem or GetCompletedItems - that is, they return functions. We will see after this how we can partially apply the path to configure these functions for use. Second, it is generally bad practice to extract the value from an option like in (fun i -> i.Value) since an exception will be thrown in the case of None. However, we filter immediately before on Option.isSome, so this is ok to make the return value work out. Also, note we are careful to handle the case of the file not existing yet by checking if (File.Exists path) - it is easy to forget edge cases like this! File.AppendText will create the file if it does not exist, so no need for defensive coding there.


The Config file is where we will configure the persistence logic for use by our application and others. This way, consumers do not need to worry about the implementation details of how data is stored. We will see how useful this is when we switch to using a SQLite database and only need to update this file instead of scouring the code for references to the Persistence.File functions.

module Done.Config
open Persistence.File

let save = saveCompletedItem FilePath
let get = getCompletedItems FilePath


We are finally ready to code the actual application. The final usages will look like the below:

$ done a "this is a completed item"
$ done d 1
$ done w 1

These commands show how to add a completed item, get items completed since yesterday, and get items completed since last week. It will be useful to keep this API in mind as we develop the logic.

We start by defining the types of commands our application can respond to: it can either Add a new completed item or it can Query for them by how long ago they were completed (some number of Periods ago - either "d" or "w"). (Hopefully CQRS practitioners can forgive making a Query a type of Command!)

type Command =
| Add of string
| Query of Period

Next, because the arguments we receive from the command line will be strings, we will define a helper method to parse the period for a Query (we will need to be sure not to use this when we receive an Add command):

let tryParsePeriod (period: string) amount =
    match period.ToLowerInvariant() with
    | "d" -> Some (Query (Days amount))
    | "w" -> Some (Query (Weeks amount))
    | _ -> None

The heavily nested Some (Query (Days amount)) may look intimidating at first glance. Breaking it down, we can see it reflects:

  1. We may have received invalid input - use an Option (Some/None) to indicate whether a valid Period is requested
  2. We mentioned earlier this will only be used for a Query which expects a Period (either Days or Weeks)
  3. The "d" or "w" specifies whether the amount is in Days or Weeks (amount is inferred to be a float)

With that helper function defined, we can try to parse the entire command line argument array:

let tryParseArgs (argv: string []) =
    match argv with
    | [|command;param|] ->
        if command = "a" then Some (Add param) else
            match Double.TryParse(param) with
            | (true, x) -> tryParsePeriod command x
            | (false, _) -> None
    | [|period|] -> tryParsePeriod period 0.0
    | _ -> None

We pattern match on the string array of incoming arguments:

  1. If we received two arguments ([|command;param|])
  2. If the first argument is "a" then we are adding a new completed item (the param): if command = "a" then Some (Add param)
  3. Otherwise, assume it is a query
    1. Then the param needs to be parsed to a Double
    2. If the param is valid, then try to determine the Period (using the helper we defined above)
  4. If we received one argument, assume it is a query for the current Day or Week (this is a nice convenience)
  5. Otherwise, we have received bad arguments, so return None

The use of pattern matching and helper methods makes this kind of deeply nested logic more readable.

Now we'll define a smaller helper function to display any errors if we receive them or nothing if not (we have actually not even defined any errors at this point). The implicit argument is a Result<'a,string>.

let printIfError = function
    | Error e -> printfn "%s" e
    | Ok _ -> ()

And the final bit of code before the main function is a help message if we received bad arguments and the dispatching logic to run the actual code requested:

open Done.Domain
open Done.Config

// ...

let HelpMessage =
    "Usage: `done d <number>` or `done w <number>` to get items done <number> of days/weeks ago or add with `done a`"

let dispatch argv =
    let cmd = tryParseArgs argv
    match cmd with
    | Some c ->
        match c with
        | Query p ->
            |> Seq.filter (Done.completedSince p)
            |> Seq.iter (Done.toString >> printfn "%s")
        | Add s -> s |> Done.createDefault |> save |> printIfError
    | None -> printfn "%s" HelpMessage

We can see in the use of get() and save (with a reference to open Done.Config) that we can change the definitions of those functions (e.g. to use SQLite instead of a text file) without the program knowing any difference.

Wrapping Up

That completes the done implementation. We can test it out with the commands below:

$ dotnet run a "complete our first todo"
$ dotnet run d
[2020-10-05T21:38:56] complete our first todo

Nice. The next part of the series will cover creating the todo application.